lautan cahaya permata pt

Crewing company


Indonesia id

Address: jln pinang 3 no 65 rawa badak koja jakarta utara indonesia
Phone: +6287781636888
License: PT lautan cahaya permata
Contact person: +6281278678899

We are Indonesian Crewing and manning Agency in Jakarta indonesia" LAUTAN CAHAYA PERMATA.PT" Would like to offer our personnel service to your company. We are able to provide: the competent crew to your manning vessel needs for whole positions. Our philosophy is to provide the Best crew members who embrace wholeheartedly our company's spirit of team work and dedication to excellence,ensuring the smooth running and operational efficiency of the ship. All the services we offer are implemented with a high degree of professionalism,careful follow up and close communication with our clients to confirm that company standard are being achieved. Our objectives are to ensure that crew are: # Carefully screened and selected # Worked at foreign companies before # Comply to ISM code and IMO standards # Monitored performances # English speaking is a must # Subject of comprehensive records. # crew selection as per SCTWrequirement # crew schedule It is Company policy to recruited crew who are experienced,certified as necessary and medically fit,appropriate to the operation of each ship. For all your crewing needs please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience time.

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Успешно трудоустроен
с помощью Crewell
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  • 3rd Officer Oleksandr *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 03.2018 - 10.2018

  • Galley Stewardess sheikh ronald *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Passenger ship | 03.2017 - 12.2017

  • Bosun (Boatswain) AHMAD *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Passenger ship | 06.2011 - 09.2021

  • Motorman/Oiler lasha *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 08.2023 - 04.2024

  • 3rd Engineer Aris *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    AHTS | 01.2011 - 10.2013

  • 2nd Engineer Suprianto *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Self-Unloading Bulk | 01.2016 - 11.2016

  • AB (Able Seaman) Mega agusti *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    General Cargo Vessel | 10.2016 - 10.2017

  • Master Sergiy *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    AHTS DP1 | 11.2017 - 12.2017

  • 2nd Engineer Kien *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 09.2015 - 08.2016

  • Engine Cadet iwan *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Crude oil tanker | 09.2015 - 09.2016
  • Vadym *******
    2nd Officer

    Very nice and simple website hoping to find a job and work a huge thanks to the developers . »

  • Ali *******

    Hello everyone, I hope that this site will meet expectations for my career. There are so many possibility for many type of vessel. Thanks Crewell. Ali Nasır »

  • DEBBOUZ *******


  • Jagjit *******
    2nd Officer

    Good day. Well, searching job and applying was never so easy. This is a well thought out and planned portal dealing with to the point things and giving away with unnecessary formalities. Dear... »

  • Oleg *******
    AB (Able Seaman)

    Good site) Well done developers, it helps a lot to find a job !!! The best maritime site in Ukraine !!! »

  • Oleksiy *******
    2nd Engineer

    I realy find this site one of the best in comunication between employers and sailors. Thanks a lot to CREWELL crew for give opportunities. Bless You. »

  • MUHAMMAD *******
    2nd Engineer


  • Jimmy *******

    Is good too be part of crewell and am happy seeing crewell giving me 5USD , am greatfull am very confident dat I will get a good job here. »

  • Ievgenii *******
    3rd Engineer

    Crewell is a very useful site for job search. Simple for use and registration. It one of the best for rating among another maritime site in my opinion. Crewell has a handy app for Android.... »

  • Andriy *******
    3rd Officer

    I found my last contract here! Very appreciate you! »

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