Black Seacontractors

Crewing company


Ukraine ua

City: Odessa
Address: 11 D, Marshala Govorova Str.
Phone: +38048 737 33 81
License: 291567
Contact person: Antonina Kochetkova

We are crewing agency, Black Seacontractors, fully licensed by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine for manning activities License. Black Seacontractors recruit well-trained skillful seafarers for service on-board of different type of vessels both merchant and offshore fleet. Our goal is to expand our business to the highest standards of service and to develop kind and beneficial relationships with our potential and existing principals, clients and employees.

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  • Master

    CREWELL the big Solution for Seafarers and Employers. »

  • 3rd Officer

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  • 2nd Officer

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  • 2nd Engineer

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  • Crewing company

    Very nice site! »

  • Chief Officer

    This site is very good, in this site very much opportunity, thanks crewell »

  • Chief Engineer

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  • ETO

    Crewell рабочий сайт, в очередной раз помог найти работу с повышением зарплаты. »

  • 2nd Officer

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  • 3rd Officer

    I found my last contract here! Very appreciate you! »

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