Marine Agency Kherson

Crewing company


Ukraine ua

City: Kherson
Address: 9th January str., 7, office 3
Phone: +38(067)4382781
License: 389
Contact person: manager

We are glad to introduce Marine Agency Kherson (MAK). Our modern and progressive company always knows how to satisfy any kind of your requests. We’re able to find and choose the best specialists for any kind of vessels for any fleet – merchant, offshore, tanker.
 MAK is:
• Proficient team with comprehensive understanding all the peculiarities of a marine vessels and crew management 
• Transparent documentations
• Constant monitoring of job vacancies
• Constantly updated large database of seafarers 
• Deep knowledge of International Maritime Regulations and MLC guidelines etc.
• Analysis of the International Competence and recruitment standardization
The experience and professionalism of our leaders helps us to reach out and cooperate with many ship-owners and offshore companies.  That is our way to offer you a quality that our partners and clients expect from us and which we are gladly provide.
Sincerely yours, Marine Agency Kherson

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