UMA Co. Ltd.

Crewing company


Russia ru

City: Moscow
Address: Moscow Region, Shchelkovo District, Settlement of Krasnoznamensky, Maltsevo Str., House 30 A, Building 2, office 46, 141113, Rus
Phone: +7 496 5668352
License: 201151501276
Contact person: Nikolay

UMA Co. Ltd. and offer our services in the following fields:

Our data-base already contains over 400 thousand seafarers, and is being enlarged continuously.
Thorough selection of crew is made in a few steps:
- VERIFICATION of experience, competence, references from previous Employers;
- INTERVIEW with our in-house Superintendents (Master Mariner & Technical Superintendent);
- COMPUTERIZED TESTS to check English level, ISM Code and other professional knowledge;
 including licensed online testing - Marlins ISF test and Seagull's CES 5.1; 
- MEDICAL EXAMINATION including drug-alcohol and HIV tests - as per P&I requirements.

Please rest assured we can provide you with proper crew who will meet all your requirements and expectations.

If necessary we may also undertake accompanying services:
- ticketing 
- visas & flag state docs arrangement 
- supply of PPE
- training of seafarers 
and others

Our major activities are:
- SHIP-REPAIR worldwide by means of FLYING SQUADS
- DRY-DOCKING of vessels at Black Sea & Baltic Ship-yards (DWT upto 160.000 t)
- YARDS WHARFAGE fully equipped with repair facilities / for emergency repairs alongside and WET-DOCKING 
- LAY-UP at Ukraine / vessels of any types / supervision is provided while the whole period
- SURVEYS including pre-purchase inspections, navigational audits, BTM trainings, etc.

Our Quality System is assessed in conformity with ISO 9001:2000; 
it is in line with requirements of BV, RR and regulations of MLC. 
For more info please visit our web-site

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