Крюинги и судовладельцы

Поиск работодателей

Media Holding Lik

Ukraine Crewing | (License: 585128)
Country: Ukraine City: Mariupol


Bangladesh Crewing
Country: Bangladesh City: Chittagong
Address: 310, gulbagh R/a , bapari para agrabad

Ceyline Shipping Ltd

Sri Lanka Crewing | (License: SRPS-337138-HH)
Country: Sri Lanka City: Colombo

Blue Orb

United Kingdom Crewing | (License: 1)
Country: United Kingdom City: Bristol

Maindo Global Maritim

Indonesia Crewing | (License: 12-566)
Country: Indonesia City: Jakarta

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  • 2nd Officer

    Very Quick Respond to Help, Great Team »

  • ETO

    Crewell рабочий сайт, в очередной раз помог найти работу с повышением зарплаты. »

  • 3rd Officer

    I m new in this site. .. but it seems very effective and good to me .. though yet I m waiting for fruit to get.. I m sure tht I'll advertise the site to my fellow friends.. thnks SUMIT... »

  • Roustabout

    Thank you Crewell team for blessing me with unexpected 5USD I appreciate »

  • Chief Engineer

    It is actually, I'm employed via Crewell allready second time, with normal salary (as for my position) »

  • Chief Officer

    Crewell....as itself called; Crew & Well is a perfect place to go for seafarers who search for an opportunity to extend their career. Millions thanks "Crewell" you've done greatest... »

  • Chief Engineer

    I am very happy to be part of Crewell and i am very thanksfull for giving me 5 USD. Hopefully in the next future i will get a good job vacancy in here. »

  • Chief Officer

    Thank so much to Crewell Group, sign new contract with appropriate terms as Chief Mate with new company. Already one month on the vessel, everything perfect. I am very appreciate for... »

  • 2nd Officer

    Good day. Well, searching job and applying was never so easy. This is a well thought out and planned portal dealing with to the point things and giving away with unnecessary formalities. Dear... »

  • 3rd Officer

    I found my last contract here! Very appreciate you! »

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