Motorman/Oiler on Ferry

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Vacancy ID: 328640 | Added: 29.06.2024 09:55
Ukrferry-Shipmanagement LLC

Main conditions

Position: Motorman/Oiler
1700$ per month (+ надбавка)
Join date: 10.07.2024
Duration: 6 +/-1 months
Preferred citizenship: Ukraine

Vessel info

Vessel type: Ferry
Crew onboard: ukrainian

Additional info

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Просмотры: 210
Откликов: 1
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Motorman/Oiler on Ferry

Salary: $1700 / month
Join date: 10.07.2024
Duration: 6 +/-1 months
Vacancy ID: 328640

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  • Chief Engineer

    I am very happy to be part of Crewell and i am very thanksfull for giving me 5 USD. Hopefully in the next future i will get a good job vacancy in here. »

  • Motorman/Oiler

    Is good too be part of crewell and am happy seeing crewell giving me 5USD , am greatfull am very confident dat I will get a good job here. »

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