COC Ship Management Pte Ltd

Shipowner company


Malaysia my

City: Port Klang
Address: Selangor Malaysia

We are a ship management company founded in 2016 registered in Singapore and having a technical management office based  in Malaysia. It is helm by a marine engineer with more than 25 year of experience in marine industries.​Seeing there is a demand in ship management for Malaysian ship owner which currently mostly outsourcing their ship management to foreign country to cater to their needs or trying to find limited  ship manager locally.  We are set up also to address the gap in quality ship management in Malaysia being trained from an established Singapore  company from sailing to fleet management ashore in senior  management position. We are based in Malaysia to assist our country to becoming a recognized maritime nation and especially the owner from Malaysia can interact with us much easier for just being here. Furthermore we are more approachable compared to the well known and big ship management company therefore we can customize to your ship management needs accordingly.​We do not limit ourselves to only Malaysian owners but also foreign owners that may want quality management or those with vessel plying Asia or South East Asia region and also in Papua New Guniea which we have a site office there. Therefore the  vessels can be taken care much easier as being  nearer to the vessels translate into better monitoring and she can  be taken care more easily and more cost effectively.​Our vision is to become a reputable ship manager who take care of the owner concerns and challenges in owning of vessels. We strive to ensure ship is manage safely and efficiently.​Since coming into operation we have been managing general cargoes, Landing craft, tug and barges,etc. We can manage many different types of vessels not limited to above from container, log carrier, bulk carrier, tankers, offshore, etc.   We have also experience in  operating vessel in Papua New Guinea which many Malaysian and foreign companies have established a business there . It is utmost challenging  to work in Papua New Guinea where we are face with very limited resources  and we need to plan well ahead to ensure ship complies to rules and regulation while ensuring maintenance are taken care of in a remote position like this where no support is there.

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