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Country: |
Germany |
City: | Bremen |
Address: | Rembertistrasse 28 |
E-mail: | crewingunited-lloyd.com |
Phone: | +49 421 377003132 |
Site: | https://united-lloyd.com |
Contact person: | Mykola Klymenko |
United Lloyd believes in a deep identification of the crew on board with the owner of the vessel. Our Seafarers are of the utmost importance because a hard-working, well-trained crew ensures the effective operation of the ship. The safety and welfare of our crew is our top priority, along with creating a tolerant, multicultural environment. A big advantage that we have is the efficiency, competitiveness and flexibility of the value creation of our crew-staff ashore. This enables us to act quickly and diligently to deliver the best possible service. United Lloyd provides a platform through which a bridge is built between the Seafarer and the Principal. We facilitate the creation of connections and relationships based on trust and the Seafarer should feel at home on board. We face new challenges head-on and keep moving forward. |
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