Swan Marine Services

Crewing company


Ukraine ua

City: Odessa
Address: Kosmonavtiv 36, Odessa 65078, Ukraine
E-mail: cvswanmarineservices.com
Site: https://swanmarineservices.com/

Swan Marine Services invites ​competent and qualified seafarers to work on board offshore, multipurpose, bulker, container, oil/chemical tanker vessels of Foreign Companies, with competitive salaries.

Our motto:​​At Sea and Crewing everything matters!

​Employment of seafarers on board ships of Greek and other international shipowners.

Our company invites competent and qualified seafarers to work on board offshore, multipurpose, bulker, container, oil/chemical tanker vessels of Foreign Companies, with competitive salaries.

Deck & Engine Officers, ETOs / ELEs, Fitters constantly required for all types of fleets.

Requirements for all candidates:
- knowledge of English language;
- necessary marine documents according to the rank;
- previous sea experience;
- experience in mixed crews.

Employment through our company offers:
- stable salaries in accordance with ITF+ wage scale;
- bonus system;
- long-term employment;
- rotation system;
- promotion for prospective candidates;
- fair employment terms and conditions of CBA;
- consultation and assistance in maritime documents and certificates.

Please send your application to: cv@swanmarineservices.com

Please download our Application Form from: https://swanmarineservices.com/#contactus

  • Как найти работу с помощью Crewell?
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Успешно трудоустроен
с помощью Crewell
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