Marlow Navigation Co Ltd

Shipowner company


Cyprus cy

City: Limassol
Address: 13 Alexandrias street
Phone: +357-25882380
License: ..
Contact person: Mr DOMINIK DULEWICZ


Marlow Navigation provides comprehensive third party crew & ship management services, able to support a vessel from its first plans on a drawing board, until final days at sea. This is backed by a global network of offices, manning/recruiting agencies & new generation training centres.

Since the company’s beginnings in 1982 from the maritime hub of Limassol, Marlow Navigation has grown to become a globally renowned & trusted name in the commercial ship management industry. Today, a network stretching over 10 countries, with approximately 1000 shore-based staff & 14,000 crew on-board vessels, underpins the company’s success story, business sustainability & client-focussed ethos.

This steadfast progress, especially during fast changing & challenging market conditions is surely testament to service values, industry maturity, as well as adaptability. Understanding ship-owner requirements & expectations then making them core responsibility is what truly allows Marlow Navigation to provide tailor-made, effective solutions. Focus is always on striking a balance between cost-efficiency & quality for clients, achieved by implementing established procedures & management systems, economies-of-scale, as well as embracing operating flexibility.

Scope of services has over the past three decades broadened to now include full-fledged maritime management activities: 
  • Crew management
  • Full technical ship management
  • New ship building supervision
  • Finance & administration
  • Crew recruitment, training and safety, and
  • Offshore crewing

These ship management services are provided out of offices located in Limassol (Cyprus), Hamburg (Germany), Rhoon/Rotterdam (the Netherlands), Mumbai (India) & Hong Kong. Together with a state-of-the-art maritime academy in the Philippines, international naval training centres in Ukraine, Russia & Germany, as well as a global network of seafarer recruiting agencies.

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Успешно трудоустроен
с помощью Crewell
* Давайте считать вместе! Добавьте в свою онлайн CV

  • Fitter/Welder Oleksandr *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 07.2017 - 04.2018

  • Bosun (Boatswain) oleksiy *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Chemical tanker | 08.2014 - 12.2014

  • OS (Ordinary Seaman) Jatin *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 10.2018 - 07.2019

  • 3rd Officer ELsayed *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 11.2016 - 03.2017

  • Motorman/Oiler mindia *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Oil tanker | 04.2017 - 08.2017

  • 3rd Engineer Junandar *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    LPG | 08.2013 - 08.2015

  • 2nd Engineer Denis *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Container Ship | 11.2010 - 03.2019

  • 3rd Officer FIRST NAME *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Oil/chemical tanker | 11.2021 - 08.2022

  • Engine Cadet Dmytro *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Oil tanker | 04.2013 - 12.2013

  • Master Jurij *****
    Трудоустроен через Crewell
    Oil/chemical tanker | 08.2023 - 04.2024
  • Francis *******
    AB (Able Seaman)

    I know Crewell will help me get a job on this site, AB from Ghana.I pray for all seamen to get a good job. »

  • Uchechukwu *******

    Thank you Crewell team for blessing me with unexpected 5USD I appreciate »

  • Sumit *******
    3rd Officer

    I m new in this site. .. but it seems very effective and good to me .. though yet I m waiting for fruit to get.. I m sure tht I'll advertise the site to my fellow friends.. thnks SUMIT... »

  • Deddy *******
    Chief Engineer

    I am very happy to be part of Crewell and i am very thanksfull for giving me 5 USD. Hopefully in the next future i will get a good job vacancy in here. »

  • Alexs *******
    Chief Officer itself called; Crew & Well is a perfect place to go for seafarers who search for an opportunity to extend their career. Millions thanks "Crewell" you've done greatest... »

  • THOMAS *******
    Chief Engineer

    Crewell you are my best friend because of you i can easy to get my best chance. Success for your Team »

  • Hendrik *******

    CREWELL the big Solution for Seafarers and Employers. »

  • Dmytro *******
    Chief Officer

    Thank so much to Crewell Group, sign new contract with appropriate terms as Chief Mate with new company. Already one month on the vessel, everything perfect. I am very appreciate for... »

  • DEBBOUZ *******


  • MUHAMMAD *******
    2nd Engineer


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