Master Crewing

Crewing company


Ukraine ua

City: Odessa
Address: 2, Zhukovskogo str.
Phone: +38 050 333 21 05
License: AB585244
Contact person: Elena

Master Ltd was founded in 2001, certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance to the Quality Management System Standards  ISO 9001:2008. The Quality Management System is applicable to: Provision of manning services for the maritime industry, in accordance with the requirements of the International Labour Organization`s Maritime Labour Convention, 2006  (MLC 2006), as applicable to the seafarer, ships catering staff recruitment and placement services (SRPS).

We work in close partnership with our clients to provide skilled, experienced and certified crew members, and to bring the most exciting marine opportunities worldwide to our candidates.

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    • Выбирайте вакансии
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  • Crewing company

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  • 2nd Officer

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  • Chief Engineer

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