Baltic Group International St.Petersburg Ltd.

Crewing company


Russia ru

City: St.Petersburg
Address: 23-A, Vladimirsky prospect, “Renaissance Hall”, 5 th Floor
Phone: +7 812 3468008
License: 1520160155
Contact person: Mr.Pavel Kargin

We are proud to have established a crewing business in Russia and the Baltic states at the earliest opportunity. As one of the first in the industry, we faced many complex challenges. We believe that our success is based upon a clear strategy, good policies and effective systems. During 25 years of growth Baltic Group International has become a market leader in the marine personnel recruitment market and we are continuing our dynamic development.BGI is represented in Tallinn, Riga, Klaipeda, Saint-Petersburg, Novorossiysk, Samara, Astrakhan, Archangelsk, Nakhodka, Kaliningrad, Tbilisi and Batumi. Establishing regional BGI offices in the largest marine centers in the region was part of our growth strategy. Our offices operate closely with one another, delivering recruitment solutions for our clients as one organization.

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  • Master


  • Watch Engineer

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