PT. MCS Internasional

Crewing company


Indonesia id

City: Jakarta
Address: Granadi Building 5th Floor, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-1 Kav. 8-9 Jakarta 12950
Phone: +62-21 5254335
License: ClassNK13-583
Contact person: Endah Nur Widhianingsih

With more than 5000 employees in our database, we provide qualified and experienced crew on various types of vessels as required by the Omners and according to the Flag State, and STCW '95 requirements.

We are here to be your partner for provide and manage good quality crews.

MCS Internasional also provide Training and Development to encourage crew's skill and ability.

  • Как найти работу с помощью Crewell?
    • Выбирайте вакансии
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    • Успешно трудоустройтесь
  • Roustabout

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  • Motorman/Oiler

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  • Watch Engineer

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  • AB (Able Seaman)

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  • Chief Engineer

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  • 3rd Engineer

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  • ETO

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  • 2nd Engineer

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  • Master

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  • 3rd Officer

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