Crewing company


Russia ru

City: Novorossiysk
Address: 3 Verbovaya Str.
Phone: +7 8617 30 35 36
License: 0002210
Contact person: Sergey Dushka

While applying for a vacancy, please download our Company's Forms from and send complete Forms to:

The Russian crewing company STMA Ltd. is one of the  leading crewing Companies  in Russian Federation which works on official basis, according to the Russian and International Law, with the support of  Unlimited Manning License issued by State Immigration Control of Russia.

STMA Ltd. was established in 2007 year  as independent private Company providing a complete range of integrated Crewing services relating recruitment of highly qualified and experienced seafarers.

The strict adherence to International Quality Standards and full compliance with IMO, STCW, SOLAS, MARPOL, ISM, ISO 9001:2008 and latest MLC 2006 requirements are our successful  tools  to fulfill our Clients’ demands.
Above all our professional  Marine and Shore based staff  is dedicated to manage Ships and Crew safely and effectively.
A combination of traditional marine skills integrated comprehensive IT technology makes STMA Ltd.  one of the best in third party of Crew Management.

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  • Chief Engineer

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  • Roustabout

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  • Single Engineer

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  • 4th Engineer

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  • 2nd Engineer

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  • Watch Engineer

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  • Master

    Hello everyone, I hope that this site will meet expectations for my career. There are so many possibility for many type of vessel. Thanks Crewell. Ali Nasır »

  • Master


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