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this website really helpfull for find the job...
I am really proud be part of crewell,I got job from here,but unfortunately probably next time
I'm happy to be here. I have applied for several jobs and I am hoping to employment soon. Thanks Crewell.
Crewell you are my best friend because of you i can easy to get my best chance. Success for your Team »
This web make seaman looking for a job easy, thanks Crew ell management.
I'm very thanks for crewell, and I hope can join this is company
Employers need more than 12 months experience, it is almost an impossible condition. That's why none of them accepted me.
Position Cook ready for rejoint... +6285350620676..
Great site that offers a lot of opportunitirs tp all seafarers around the world
Good site and I hope to find a good opportunity
Excellent crewell
good site for seafarer to get opportunity from the great company
Very nice from crewell
This web make seaman looking for a job easy, thanks Crewell management.
Very good crewell
I am very happy to join through Crewell, it can help me find work according to my position
Useless Web Site, Not A single Approval of my apply...
Very -Very Good
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