ETO on Bulk carrier

Company: Please login!
Vacancy ID: 333594 | 24.07.2024 17:40

Main conditions

Position: ETO
6350$ per month
Join date: 07.08.2024
Duration: 5
Preferred citizenship: Ukraine Russia Estonia Latvia Lithuania

Vessel info

Vessel type: Bulk carrier
Build year: 2011
Vessel flag: Liberia
DWT: 176000
Crew onboard: mix
Sailing area: ww

Additional info

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  • Sergiy *******
    Chief Engineer

    It is actually, I'm employed via Crewell allready second time, with normal salary (as for my position) »

  • Francis *******
    AB (Able Seaman)

    I know Crewell will help me get a job on this site, AB from Ghana.I pray for all seamen to get a good job. »

  • Deddy *******
    Chief Engineer

    I am very happy to be part of Crewell and i am very thanksfull for giving me 5 USD. Hopefully in the next future i will get a good job vacancy in here. »

  • Anugrah *******
    Chief Officer

    This site is very good, in this site very much opportunity, thanks crewell »

  • Jagjit *******
    2nd Officer

    Good day. Well, searching job and applying was never so easy. This is a well thought out and planned portal dealing with to the point things and giving away with unnecessary formalities. Dear... »

  • Dmytro *******
    Chief Officer

    Thank so much to Crewell Group, sign new contract with appropriate terms as Chief Mate with new company. Already one month on the vessel, everything perfect. I am very appreciate for... »

  • Alexs *******
    Chief Officer itself called; Crew & Well is a perfect place to go for seafarers who search for an opportunity to extend their career. Millions thanks "Crewell" you've done greatest... »

  • Jimmy *******

    Is good too be part of crewell and am happy seeing crewell giving me 5USD , am greatfull am very confident dat I will get a good job here. »

  • Uchechukwu *******

    Thank you Crewell team for blessing me with unexpected 5USD I appreciate »

  • MUHAMMAD *******
    2nd Engineer


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