- Choose relevant vacancies
- Push the button "APPLY"
- Be Employed
im beginners join in crewell . i think this site crewell good, i hope sometime can find a job from here,, thkns , :)
Звонков от крюингов не было, но вакансии мониторю и скидываю апликашки с дозвоном. Всем удачи.
Very good website for seeking maritime job ! I am new on it I just come to subscribe. I hope I will soon get a job as deck cadet. Good day everyone !
i am waiting for when i join CREWELL and i hope i will find a job here.
Заполнил анкетку, теперь посмотрим как пойдет) Всем хороших рейсов!
This site is very interesting i hope i will find a jobe here
Thanks Crewell
CREWELL thanks! Three times were found by the good contract!
It is actually, I'm employed via Crewell allready second time, with normal salary (as for my position)
Crewell is a professional site for seafarer to find a job , thanks
Iam happy crewell open vacancy for COOK position so many nation candidates crew perhaps jointed sucess competition skills for make good reputation.good luck all candidate glory for crewell future
За 5 лет ничего не предложили. Все проходит мимо,даже низко оплачиваемые.Не скажу,что сильно доволен этим сайтом.
I already had crewell account since 2017, but i never get my job from this site event i sent application many times.
This is a good site for career a seaman in plenty choise..
Im sttil not surender to use Crewwel to find my job. I belive.. the luck will be come to me..
Пока что не нашел тут работу но отзывы хорошие
No jobs for freshers
I love the site for their current and updated advert. Still hoping to get mine someday. Samuel
good for seaman
this site is still not find me job so long years looking of crewel
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