OJ Crew

Crewing company


Lithuania lt

City: Klaipeda
Address: S. Neries str. 8-21
E-mail: oilojcrew.com
Phone: Office main: +370 464 94544
Site: http://ojcrew.com/
License: 1237
Contact person: OJ Crew

OJ Crew Lithuanian based Manning Company is Licensed and MLC 2006 certified international HR crew management services provider for maritime, By forming sustainable relationships built on loyalty, knowledge and reliability we provide recruitment services of substance and value. We conduct ourselves with professionalism, accountability and work excellence, continually striving to identify the best recruitment practice procedures whilst innovating the highest industry standards. Working with Merchant and Offshore Clients!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 Please send your CV applications to follow emails: cv@ojcrew.com                                                                                                                                                       Office main: Tel: +37046494544
 Office email: info@ojcrew.com                                                                                                                                                                                                               

OJ Crew is always looking for self-motivated, experienced, competent candidates with good English skills and qualification. You are welcome to contact us for further information. Our company does not take fees or scam You in any other way. You get what the possible employer offers.                                                          All candidates are welcome to present their data!

  • Як знайти роботу за допомогою Crewell?
    • Вибирайте відповідні вакансії
    • Подавайте заявку
    • Успішно працевлаштуйтеся
Недавно успішно працевлаштований
знайдено через Crewell
* Давайте почнемо рахувати разом! Додайте інформацію до вашого онлайн CV

  • Motorman/Oiler VIVEKANAND *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) | 09.2017 - 06.2018

  • Motorman/Oiler Kabul *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Tug | 05.2017 - 08.2018

  • Deck Cadet ZUL *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Supply vessel | 09.2013 - 09.2014

  • Chief Cook Sharoglazov *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Ro-Lo | 06.2013 - 12.2013

  • OS (Ordinary Seaman) Akshay *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    General Cargo Vessel | 05.2023 - 11.2023

  • AB (Able Seaman) Firdaus *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Ferry | 03.2017 - 11.2017

  • Messboy Oleg *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 03.2021 - 06.2021

  • Master Viktor *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Oil/chemical tanker | 05.2017 - 09.2017

  • 3rd Engineer Oleksandr *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 06.2020 - 10.2020

  • Chief Officer karim farouk *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Container Ship | 06.2017 - 10.2017
  • Jagjit *******
    2nd Officer

    Good day. Well, searching job and applying was never so easy. This is a well thought out and planned portal dealing with to the point things and giving away with unnecessary formalities. Dear... »

  • Uchechukwu *******

    Thank you Crewell team for blessing me with unexpected 5USD I appreciate »

  • Hendrik *******

    CREWELL the big Solution for Seafarers and Employers. »

  • JAKARIA *******
    Chief Engineer

    Thanks for your assist Crewel Team. GOOD JOB. »

  • Deddy *******
    Chief Engineer

    I am very happy to be part of Crewell and i am very thanksfull for giving me 5 USD. Hopefully in the next future i will get a good job vacancy in here. »

  • GHULAM *******
    AB (Able Seaman)

    Really this is the best site to get job i like this CREWELL »

  • Sergiy *******
    Chief Engineer

    It is actually, I'm employed via Crewell allready second time, with normal salary (as for my position) »

  • Ali *******

    Hello everyone, I hope that this site will meet expectations for my career. There are so many possibility for many type of vessel. Thanks Crewell. Ali Nasır »

  • Andriy *******
    3rd Officer

    I found my last contract here! Very appreciate you! »

  • Francis *******
    AB (Able Seaman)

    I know Crewell will help me get a job on this site, AB from Ghana.I pray for all seamen to get a good job. »

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