Pharaohs Marine Consultants

Crewing company


Egypt eg

City: Alexandria
Address: Pharaohs marine consultants
Phone: +2034258626
License: Pharaohs marine consultants
Contact person: Mohamed Tahoun

We are MASA Maritime Consultancy we have a huge network in all around the world to provide marine services with   Competitive prices
    24/7 services with emergency contacts in holidays.
We provide:

    Ship registration
    Seafarers' certifications: including  STCW courses and endorsements
    Corporations under jurisdiction of Panama, Honduras
    Class and statutory
    Flag state inspections: under Panama,
    Pre-purchase surveys with qualified marine engineers and Masters who have the technical capability to evaluate ships and cover issues of interest to buyers
    Bunker surveys, on hire/off hire surveys
    Cargo surveys for both quality and quantity
    Insurance surveys
    Manuals and plans and their approvals
    Drawings and designs
    Insurance by reputed clubs: H&M and P&I

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знайдено через Crewell
* Давайте почнемо рахувати разом! Додайте інформацію до вашого онлайн CV

  • 2nd Engineer Suprianto *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Self-Unloading Bulk | 01.2016 - 11.2016

  • Motorman/Oiler lasha *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 08.2023 - 04.2024

  • 3rd Engineer Aris *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    AHTS | 01.2011 - 10.2013

  • Master Sergiy *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    AHTS DP1 | 11.2017 - 12.2017

  • Engine Cadet iwan *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Crude oil tanker | 09.2015 - 09.2016

  • 3rd Officer Oleksandr *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 03.2018 - 10.2018

  • Bosun (Boatswain) AHMAD *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Passenger ship | 06.2011 - 09.2021

  • AB (Able Seaman) Mega agusti *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    General Cargo Vessel | 10.2016 - 10.2017

  • Galley Stewardess sheikh ronald *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Passenger ship | 03.2017 - 12.2017

  • 2nd Engineer Kien *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 09.2015 - 08.2016
  • Oleksiy *******
    2nd Engineer

    I realy find this site one of the best in comunication between employers and sailors. Thanks a lot to CREWELL crew for give opportunities. Bless You. »

  • Oleg *******
    AB (Able Seaman)

    Good site) Well done developers, it helps a lot to find a job !!! The best maritime site in Ukraine !!! »

  • Andriy *******
    3rd Officer

    I found my last contract here! Very appreciate you! »

  • MUHAMMAD *******
    2nd Engineer


  • Ali *******

    Hello everyone, I hope that this site will meet expectations for my career. There are so many possibility for many type of vessel. Thanks Crewell. Ali Nasır »

  • Vadym *******
    2nd Officer

    Very nice and simple website hoping to find a job and work a huge thanks to the developers . »

  • Jimmy *******

    Is good too be part of crewell and am happy seeing crewell giving me 5USD , am greatfull am very confident dat I will get a good job here. »

  • Jagjit *******
    2nd Officer

    Good day. Well, searching job and applying was never so easy. This is a well thought out and planned portal dealing with to the point things and giving away with unnecessary formalities. Dear... »

  • DEBBOUZ *******


  • Ievgenii *******
    3rd Engineer

    Crewell is a very useful site for job search. Simple for use and registration. It one of the best for rating among another maritime site in my opinion. Crewell has a handy app for Android.... »

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