Universal Crewing

Crewing company


Ukraine ua

City: Odessa
Address: 213 office, 10 Komarova str.
E-mail: crew1universalcrewing.com.ua
Phone: +38 093 316 76 77
Site: http://universalcrewing.com.ua
License: 38848745
Contact person: Yulya

Universal Crewing Agency is a young perspective company in Odessa (Ukraine) providing a comprehensive range of crewing services. It works on official basis, according to the License of the Ministry of Labor and Social policy of Ukraine.

We are committed to establish long-term cooperation with well-trained and motivated seafarers. Presently we operate our own database which is increasing and updating every day. Therefore we can offer for employers’ consideration the best candidates. All seafarers have necessary qualification certificates in accordance with the international standards and requirements for deep sea trade.

Having worked in the shipping industry ourselves for more than 10 years we know for sure that skilled and experienced crew is one of the most important factors in stable and profitable work of your fleet at sea and during port operations. So our aim is to choose the best crew for the needs of your company.

Assisting seafarers in recruiting, Universal Crewing Agency:

arranges renewal of seafarers’ documentation and additional training;
arranges medical examination including drug/alcohol/blade test and vaccination, provided by the duly licensed Ukrainian Marine Medical center;
supplies with the working clothes and uniform with Principals logo;
arranges flag state applications;
offers assistance in obtaining visas;
books international and domestic air tickets.

Universal Crewing Agency with high sense of responsibility offers its services to satisfy all crew manning requirements of ship owners. You are kindly requested to contact us for any inquiries. Our agency is always opened for mutually profitable business cooperation. You could offer us the same rates as you pay to your other agents or lower just for a trial period.

For us is a great honor to start with You mutual successful cooperation on your terms and conditions.

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