MA SeadimA

Crewing company


Russia ru

City: Kerch
Address: Gorkogo str., Building 4D, 3rd Floor, Office 2
Phone: +7 (985) 23-05-777
License: 20123911463
Contact person: Elena

MA SeadimA offers jobs to seafarers in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, Georgia, Eastern Europe.We work with seafarers of all nationalities, whose work experience and level of training meets the necessary requirements and wishes of shipowners.Maritime Agency "SeadimA" also invites shipowners and shipping companies to cooperate. We are pleased to offer prompt search and selection of ship crews and individual specialists, favorable terms of cooperation, flexible approach and impeccable quality of services.We cooperate with reliable partners who complete crews for leading shipping companies. Under their management are the ships of the modern merchant fleet.Due to the large number of ships of various types (bulk carriers, tankers, gas carriers, container carriers), it is possible to choose the most suitable option for you, as well as have prospects for quick career and professional growth.

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