Crewing company


Spain es

City: Bilbao
Address: San Vicente, 8 Edificio Albia II Bajo Dpto A 48001 Bilbao SPAIN

We have a long history in the shipping business, dating back to 1919. In the 1920s, we established ourselves as a shipping and shipping company. All the experience acquired over the years have consolidated the company as one of the most prestigious companies in personnel management, training and selection.

All this experience has led us to have offices all over the world, managing to offer a personalized service to a multitude of shipowners throughout the world.

In our desire for professionalism and competence, we were one of the first shipping companies to obtain ISO Accreditation.

As a reward for our professionalism we have several awards, among which our pride should be highlighted; The Salvage Cup. The CANDINA ship saved an English crew from some German submarines, this feat was praised by the English Government with said cup.

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знайдено через Crewell
* Давайте почнемо рахувати разом! Додайте інформацію до вашого онлайн CV

  • AB (Able Seaman) Sergiy *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Car Carrier | 05.2019 - 11.2019

  • AB (Able Seaman) Leonid *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Crude oil tanker | 11.2005 - 07.2006

  • Chief Engineer Sergii *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Container Ship | 05.2017 - 06.2017

  • 2nd Engineer Andriy *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    General Cargo Vessel | 12.2019 - 03.2020

  • 3rd Engineer Dmytro *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Container Ship | 12.2018 - 05.2019

  • Junior mechanical engineer Timur *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 01.2023 - 08.2024

  • Crane Operator Fajar Siddik *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Crane barge/vessel | 09.2013 - 11.2013

  • Bosun (Boatswain) VOLODYMYR *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Oil/chemical tanker | 11.2018 - 03.2019

  • OS (Ordinary Seaman) Manoj Kumar *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Product tanker | 03.2024 - 09.2024

  • Master mamuka *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Oil/chemical tanker | 10.2018 - 12.2019
  • Ibrahim *******
    2nd Officer

    Very Quick Respond to Help, Great Team »

  • Dmytro *******
    Chief Officer

    Thank so much to Crewell Group, sign new contract with appropriate terms as Chief Mate with new company. Already one month on the vessel, everything perfect. I am very appreciate for... »

  • Ali *******

    Hello everyone, I hope that this site will meet expectations for my career. There are so many possibility for many type of vessel. Thanks Crewell. Ali Nasır »

  • CHRISTOPH *******
    4th Engineer

    So far CREWELL is the most transparent job site I've visited even though am still job hunting here , am hopeful and THANKS TO THE TEAM . »

  • Uchechukwu *******

    Thank you Crewell team for blessing me with unexpected 5USD I appreciate »

  • GHULAM *******
    AB (Able Seaman)

    Really this is the best site to get job i like this CREWELL »

  • JAKARIA *******
    Chief Engineer

    Thanks for your assist Crewel Team. GOOD JOB. »

  • SERGII *******
    2nd Engineer

    The best internet page about search a job for seamen! Thanks of lot!!! »

  • Ievgenii *******
    3rd Engineer

    Crewell is a very useful site for job search. Simple for use and registration. It one of the best for rating among another maritime site in my opinion. Crewell has a handy app for Android.... »

  • Jagjit *******
    2nd Officer

    Good day. Well, searching job and applying was never so easy. This is a well thought out and planned portal dealing with to the point things and giving away with unnecessary formalities. Dear... »

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