Four Stars Marine & Crewing Services Limited

Crewing company


Ghana gh

City: Tema
Address: P.o box 2261 Tema com.1 Location behind Barcadis.
Phone: +233(0)303217304 / Whatsapp +447 405012995
License: C0003528812
Contact person: Captain Thomas

We Four Stars Marine and Crewing Services a crewing agency based in GhanaWest Africa. We also Offer Quality Services such as Ship Maintenance, Chipping & Painting, Engine Room Cleaning, Arch Cleaning, Ballast Tank Cleaning, Crew Supply, Ship Chandler, Bunkering e.t.c. We supply competent and much-experienced crewmen in the category of skippers, engineers, cooks, divers, spotters, and seamen with rich experience in the fishing industry. They splice wires, mend and repair nets, fix winches, tail prawns, keep Watch and do dry-docking as well. They also have experience in crabbing & welkin, prawn & scallop vessels, ring nets, fishing trawlers, tuna vessels and a host of other fishing vessels. We can supply you with any category of crewmen depending on the nature of the operation of your company. Our crewmen are able to work up to more than 12 nautical miles and even outside the territorial waters of your country. They are highly poised to withstand all weather and working conditions associated with the job.

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знайдено через Crewell
* Давайте почнемо рахувати разом! Додайте інформацію до вашого онлайн CV

  • Chief Engineer Mykola *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Container Ship | 07.2018 - 12.2018

  • Cook Artem *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 10.2022 - 02.2023

  • 2nd Officer munandar *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Asphalt tanker | 04.2017 - 12.2017

  • Chief Officer Khalvashi *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 07.2017 - 12.2017

  • Messboy SAIKUMAR *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Container Ship | 01.2024 - 10.2024

  • AB (Able Seaman) Abdus Sukkur *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 02.2018 - 11.2018

  • 4th Engineer Azamat *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Container Ship | 08.2014 - 02.2015

  • AB (Able Seaman) Ahmed *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    MPSV DP2 | 08.2020 - 08.2020

  • 3rd Officer Khabov *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 06.2019 - 07.2019

  • 3rd Engineer GOCHA *****
    Трудоустроєний через Crewell
    Bulk carrier | 09.2023 - 02.2024
  • Ali *******

    Hello everyone, I hope that this site will meet expectations for my career. There are so many possibility for many type of vessel. Thanks Crewell. Ali Nasır »

  • Francis *******
    AB (Able Seaman)

    I know Crewell will help me get a job on this site, AB from Ghana.I pray for all seamen to get a good job. »

  • Oleg *******
    AB (Able Seaman)

    Good site) Well done developers, it helps a lot to find a job !!! The best maritime site in Ukraine !!! »

  • MUHAMMAD *******
    2nd Engineer


  • Ibrahim *******
    2nd Officer

    Very Quick Respond to Help, Great Team »

  • CHRISTOPH *******
    4th Engineer

    So far CREWELL is the most transparent job site I've visited even though am still job hunting here , am hopeful and THANKS TO THE TEAM . »

  • Jagjit *******
    2nd Officer

    Good day. Well, searching job and applying was never so easy. This is a well thought out and planned portal dealing with to the point things and giving away with unnecessary formalities. Dear... »

  • Uchechukwu *******

    Thank you Crewell team for blessing me with unexpected 5USD I appreciate »

  • THOMAS *******
    Chief Engineer

    Crewell you are my best friend because of you i can easy to get my best chance. Success for your Team »

  • DEBBOUZ *******


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