Bluhull Resources Ltd

Crewing company


Malta mt

City: Balzan
Address: Orange grove, Birbal str, Balzan, Malta
Phone: +35621445807
License: PE416751
Contact person: Oksana Bardeckaja

Personnel Provision

Bluhull Resources  offers a high level of expertise in the Human Resources Management exclusively to the Energy Industry.  Our team understands our clients’ requirements and our personnel because we shaped ourselves in the oilfield industry. We maintain an extensive in-house multinational database of experienced personnel worldwide and our candidates are screened and interviewed through a high standard procedure in place to identify the right candidates for the right job.

Drilling and Marine Personnel

Bluhull Resources offers all levels of Offshore and Onshore experienced Drilling Crews, Marine Crews, Rotating Paint Crews as well as New Hands – Trainees/Fast Trackers – Engineers. 

Multi-Trade Project Personnel 

Our people excel because our project managers guide the progress of every project and our resources are trained to perform in the most difficult conditions. Our experience has taught us the true meaning of ‘no downtime’.  By communicating regularly with our clients, we affirm their satisfaction. They know we listen to their concerns and respond readily to their needs.


We offer the highest quality personnel to support well management in both technical engineering and operations management. From a single engineer for a short term placement, to an entire drilling department on a long term basis, BHR provides the right people at the required time.

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Попередження про шахрайство!

Crewell не надає послуги працевлаштування і не контактує з користувачами безпосередньо. Якщо ви отримали повідомлення від когось, хто стверджує, що він представляє сайт Crewell і пропонує вам роботу, будь ласка, не відповідайте на це повідомлення і не надавайте жодної особистої інформації.
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