Gretimybe Ltd

Crewing company


Lithuania lt

City: Klaipeda
Address: Tilzes str. 13, Klaipeda, Lithuania
Phone: +37046380808
License: 241557880
Contact person: Viktor Rylskov

Company Gretimybe was founded in 1997 by a group of specialists experienced in crewing, shipping and sea business. Today Gretimybe is the biggest crewing company in Baltic States. 
We are Government licensed: Lithuanian Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance issued the permission to our company to act as an intermediary between the Ship Owners/Ship managers and the Seafarers from Lithuania and abroad employed on different types of vessels and on off-shore projects.

Our company has no offices or representatives outside the city of Klaipeda, Lithuania. If you ever come across a company which claims, that they are our foreign representatives, or if they give you an official document with our company logo and official seal on it, then report them to the authorities - they are frauds.

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  • 2nd Engineer

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  • Master


  • 3rd Officer

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  • Chief Engineer

    Thanks for your assist Crewel Team. GOOD JOB. »

  • Chief Engineer

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  • Master

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  • 2nd Officer

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  • 2nd Officer

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  • AB (Able Seaman)

    I know Crewell will help me get a job on this site, AB from Ghana.I pray for all seamen to get a good job. »

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