Crewing company


Georgia ge

Phone: +995599791192
License: 0008-546577-23
Contact person: ANDREY AKAEV

The company «Alliance Crew Agency» is registered in Batumi and has the necessary state-licensed to carry out activities related to employment of citizens of Georgia abroad. Our company is regularly voluntary certification services for recruitment and manning of Georgian crew on vessels under foreign flags for further obtaining the Certificate MLC , ISO 9001-2008.

   The main direction of the company «Alliance Crew Agency» is the employment of seamen on vessels of foreign ship owners for decent wages and career advancement in the workplace.
      Currently we complete the crew from the Captain to Steward, on the various types of vessels for foreign ship owners.  

   All our seafarers are certified in accordance with the requirements of STCW convention and have extensive experience working on ships under different flags.

    All of our employees have extensive experience in the field of employment of seamen, and naval matters. Our office staff will help you find all necessary information relating to employment, and our managers can get advice on the required training and updating of diplomas and certificates. In turn, we guarantee the service at the highest level and we look forward to working with you.

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  • 2nd Officer

    Very Quick Respond to Help, Great Team »

  • Chief Officer itself called; Crew & Well is a perfect place to go for seafarers who search for an opportunity to extend their career. Millions thanks "Crewell" you've done greatest... »

  • 3rd Officer

    I found my last contract here! Very appreciate you! »

  • Motorman/Oiler

    Is good too be part of crewell and am happy seeing crewell giving me 5USD , am greatfull am very confident dat I will get a good job here. »

  • AB (Able Seaman)

    Really this is the best site to get job i like this CREWELL »

  • Chief Officer

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  • Single Engineer

    Очень удобный сайт. Сидя дома тебя находит работа. Из дома выхожу сразу на самолёт чтобы лететь на судно. »

  • Chief Engineer

    It is actually, I'm employed via Crewell allready second time, with normal salary (as for my position) »

  • 3rd Officer

    I m new in this site. .. but it seems very effective and good to me .. though yet I m waiting for fruit to get.. I m sure tht I'll advertise the site to my fellow friends.. thnks SUMIT... »

  • 4th Engineer

    So far CREWELL is the most transparent job site I've visited even though am still job hunting here , am hopeful and THANKS TO THE TEAM . »

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