Часто задавані питання

Web-site Crewell.net is a global, international maritime job web-site, created for the interaction of seamen with Crewing, Management and Shipowner companies.

Crewell.net is not just a marine and offshore job board! It's a modern web-system for crew selection with the live database of CVs and the multi-functional integrated Crew Management System for recruiters.

Web-site is built with the newest modern web-design technologies and is adapted for all mobile devices.

We do not stop the system development! Crewell team is working on improvements and creating a new unique Crewell services daily.

We regularly involve managers of top crewing and shipowner companies into the site development. It makes Crewell a highly appreciated and covering all main requirements of modern crewing and recruiting industry representatives.

Crewell.net is the most useful and comfortable job search web-service for seafarers. Also it is a great, unique, multifunctional tool for crewing and recruting managers, allowing to select the best maritime specialists in a short term.

We do our best to reduce a time spent of both parties in searching each other.

Most of Internet users, especially intelligent seafarers looking for an employment, appreciate a Confidentiality of personal data most of all! 

The fact leads to a refuse of using the web-sites sharing users' personal data with anyone. Among such web sites: online CVs databases, simple job boards with possibility of e-mailing a CV, maritime sites which sale personal data and an access to CV databases, scam and copycats web-sites pretending to be large systems, social networks and others.

But as it's well known only the Internet is the best and effective way of job search for today. On the other hand Employers are also using the unlimited possibilities and perspectives of using the Internet in everyday work, the old methods are not so widely used for now. But it always takes a lot of working time to find any useful information among the different online data, especially to get a proof of their actuality.  It becomes not reasonable to spend this time for manual sorting of the information in the modern informational world. 
Crewell solves the problems for both sides!

Being the live and technological system, Crewell.net leaves users the right to control their information. System works for it's user only when he needs it and shares the appropriate right. 
Employers, making a little efforts in working with the system, get the maximal results such as a sorted lists of available and already interested potential employees. 

Thus Crewell.net is the powerful and reliable instrument working to cover the interests of all crewing world participants!

  1. Employer publishes a new vacancy on Crewell.net here;
  2. Hundreds of Crewell relevant subscribers receive e-mail notifications about a new vacancy during several minutes after publishing;
  3. Thousands of Crewell visitors see the vacancy on Crewell pages and find it via the vacancies search form;
  4. Users of Crewell Mobile application get known about a new vacancy from their mobile devices in real time;
  5. Interested candidates apply for a vacancy by pushing the button "Apply" under details of a vacancy;
  6. CVs of job-seekers from personal employer's databases are selected for each new vacancy and proposed to an employer automatically;
  7. Crewing operator gets a duly sorted list of relevant complete international CVs in his Crewell account together with applicants' comments, scans of documents and performance reports;
  8. Unique online tools of crew manager allow him to sort the list of applicants manually, make notes, send messages and sms to candidates and in case of approval or refuse immediately inform the candidate via the system;

Thus job-seekers do not spend time for vacancies search from different sources, for sending CVs or telephone communication. They get an access to the whole Crewell vacancies base and apply for any job by pushing one button. 

Employer gets complete CVs of already interested and available candidates for particular vacancies for further consideration in short terms without spam to an e-mail. Employer just needs to make a final decision of approving the candidate. 

Such process effectively differs from the usual crew selection process with sorting and parsing e-mail messages, calls for potential employees for clarification their availability etc.

Crewell - is a new word in the global crewing and recruiting. 

Crewell is an international web service with active Employers from around 60 countries and it has no restrictions for seafarers!

Each employer may have its own specific requirements for a seafarer's citizenship in accordance with the country legislation or the terms of employment. Please check the requirements for the preferred citizenship, if any, in the details of each published vacancy.

Registration on Crewell.net allows using all main functional of the system. 

A full information about maritime jobs, online applying for vacancies, CV status monitoring and many other features helping in a job search are available for registered users only!  

*Registration and filling a CV doesn't mean publishing of the personal data available for anybody. 
Only Crewell Employers may get an access to the CV and only in case of user's approval.  
For the registration on Crewell.net you need to fill in a short registration form using your e-mail and creating any password. After submitting the form you will receive a confirmation message to your e-mail. Follow the link from the message to confirm your account.
After that you will be able to fill in the online CV and complete your job-seeker's profile for effective using the system. 

If you don't see a confirmation message in your e-mail inbox, please firstly check all of the folders, including a spam-box. 

You may also request one more confirmation message here.

Your e-mail address is a login to the system. You can reset your password using just your e-mail address.

Reset password

Follow the link from the received e-mail message to set a new password. 

You can change your registration data in your account settings.

Complete online CV gives an access to all the main site functional. 
Not having an online CV you can not apply for the vacancies online. 
Please fill in you CV and profile as completely as possible. Only informative CVs suit the needs of Employers. 
Crewell CV is universal and suitable for the main part of Employers. They use it for further processing during the recruitment process. 

ONE STEP CV is the quick possibility to start working in the system. You may upload your already created CV file from your computer or mobile device if you never filled in the online CV on Crewell before. It allows to apply for vacancies if you have no time to fill in the full online CV. Such CV can not participate in automatic services and doesn't give much possibilities.

STANDARD CV is usual full online CV which make you the valuable participant of Crewell and takes part in all Crewell automatic services.

Crewell duly cares about the safety and privacy of users' personal data!

Private information stays under the user's control. It's not transferred to other users or 3rd parties. 

Employers get an access to a CV only after the user's approvals such as: applying for a vacancy online, accepting the employer's invitation for a vacancy, adding a CV to the TOP etc.

Seafarers catalog contains only resumes without any personal or identifying data.

You might see a comment "send CV to e-mail" in some vacancies notes. 
Attention! If you have a complete CV on Crewell.net and pushed the button "Apply" under the vacancy details, you can see that your CV is "available for Employer".  
You do not need to do any additional actions and send your CV to an Employer by e-mail, as he's already got your CV and a notification about your interest. 

Unique online Crewell CV is created to be like a usual paper application form. No more steps during filling the CV! Just write down the information about yourself, your documents and previous experience. 

CV contains required fields which should be completed before saving it. 

You can upload a scan copy to each document in your CV. You can also add scan copies of your references, performance reports, sea service records to the each contract line in your previous sea service section. 

The data are saved during the filling a CV. You can stop and return to a CV filling any time, your data will not be lost. 

After completing a CV please push the button "Publish CV".

If you've faced some problems during filling or saving a CV, please reload the page and repeat your actions. If reloading the page doesn't help, please update your web-browser to a latest version or use another web-browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera etc.) for filling and saving a CV.
You can edit your online CV any time you need. Just push the button "Edit CV" in your account and make necessary corrections.

Desired position - is the position you are applying for. It is not strictly connected with your license, so you may apply for any vacancies that your current license allows to fulfil. Employers use a desired position when searching an employee's profile in the catalog.

This information is required by your potential employers for not bothering your with not relevant job offers. It's published in your short resume and takes part in some selection operations. It's also used in the Autoapply service.

You can send your Crewell CV from your account to any e-mail from any device any time. Just input an e-mail of your recipient into the form under a CV in your account and push "send". 

The service is free and unlimited for all Crewell users. The service is available on the CV page in seaman account and on the Employers catalogue page.

You can send your Crewell CV and a full set of uploaded maritime documents to all employers registered on Crewell by one click. Many companies save seamen CVs in their databases for further use.

Announce your availability by CV Mailing via Crewell!

Sometimes seafarers, who ever published their contacts on the Internet or performed an uncontrolled CV mailing via third parties, may receive fake job offers to personal e-mails and messengers. Scammers may inform them that they took the data on crewell.net or other trustable web-site and offer a good job further trying to deceive and take over seafarers' money.

In accordance with Crewell anti-scam policy, we do not register fake and doubtful (by any criteria) employers. Crewell is the closed and secure system.

 Please remember that before responding to such job offers and starting communication with any employer for whose vacancy you did not apply online / did not send your CV, you need to:

- Check if it is registered on crewell.net here. If there is no such company in the database, then your data were taken from another source;

- Find information about the employer on the Internet, check the official website of the employer for the correspondence of the e-mail or phone from which you were contacted. If the website contains other contact details, contact the company via them and check the validity of the job offer received. But remember that scammers can also create and fake websites;

- Check reviews about the employer on the Internet;

- Remember that real employers never ask to transfer money for urgent visas and other documents for traveling;

* We do not recommend using open CV databases where any scammer gets an access to your personal data, as well as uncontrolled CV mailings to an unknown list of addresses and companies.

* If you have an evidence of fraudulent activities of any company that is actually registered on crewell.net, please inform the law authorities and additionally notify the crewell.net administration.

You can delete your online CV and all data in the settings of your account any time. The action requires your confirmation via e-mail.

  • Як знайти роботу за допомогою Crewell?
    • Вибирайте відповідні вакансії
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  • Single Engineer

    Очень удобный сайт. Сидя дома тебя находит работа. Из дома выхожу сразу на самолёт чтобы лететь на судно. »

  • 2nd Engineer

    Very Good site! I'm found my last contract here. Thanks a lot for CREWELL TEAM ! »

  • Motorman/Oiler

    Is good too be part of crewell and am happy seeing crewell giving me 5USD , am greatfull am very confident dat I will get a good job here. »

  • 3rd Engineer


  • AB (Able Seaman)

    Good site) Well done developers, it helps a lot to find a job !!! The best maritime site in Ukraine !!! »

  • Chief Officer

    Thank so much to Crewell Group, sign new contract with appropriate terms as Chief Mate with new company. Already one month on the vessel, everything perfect. I am very appreciate for... »

  • Crewing company

    Very nice site! »

  • Chief Engineer

    It is actually, I'm employed via Crewell allready second time, with normal salary (as for my position) »

  • 2nd Officer

    Good day. Well, searching job and applying was never so easy. This is a well thought out and planned portal dealing with to the point things and giving away with unnecessary formalities. Dear... »

  • Master

    Hello everyone, I hope that this site will meet expectations for my career. There are so many possibility for many type of vessel. Thanks Crewell. Ali Nasır »

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Crewell не надає послуги працевлаштування і не контактує з користувачами безпосередньо. Якщо ви отримали повідомлення від когось, хто стверджує, що він представляє сайт Crewell і пропонує вам роботу, будь ласка, не відповідайте на це повідомлення і не надавайте жодної особистої інформації.
Ми надаємо онлайн послуги виключно на сайті з адресою crewell.net. Будь-які інші сайти/ресурси, що використовують назву Crewell в своїх доменах/назвах не мають до crewell.net ніякого відношення.
Наші офіційні домени і адреси електронної пошти, з яких ви можете отримувати від нас автоматичні повідомлення:
Якщо ви отримали підозріле повідомлення чи дзвінок, будь ласка, повідомте про це нам, використовуючи форму зворотнього зв'язку.