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I'm a new member but, is looking very well organised and I suppose will be useful and hope to find plesent job.
Out standing, helpful, good very very good thanks to crewell website I hope used to all crew
It's very good from crewell to apply for vacancy but very hard to found vacancy Especially for Egyptian citizen. But at last very good form crewell
For a few years, never offered work.Only information.
Very nice and simple to use website
this good web site, i hope many sailors find the job
Thank you Crewell, I found a job and it was really easy. I recommend this web site to everyone.
Hello all!!! unfortunately, i did't find job from this web site although i applied for vacancies associated with my suitable jobs. I'm always waiting for their reply. Sorry for my disappointment.
I hope Crewell will become the leader for seacrew to find their job.
this website is really helpful to find a job according our skill.
this is first time iam join to crwell, I hope to get a job that suits my competency, crewel is the best
Good, BIG and strong site with seafarers and seamans ))))))))))))))))))))))
it's not so easy to found a job here. I was starting since 2016 and until now, no one company picking up my cv.
hi all!!!! unfortunately , i did not find job on this web site. all the best to all of you!!!
Perfect place to find a fit vacancy. Best Regards
Thank you somuch crewell for giving us chance to work with your good company Godbless
Thanks so much, CREWELL . I hopeful whit this websitee will find job faster for me as a seafarer. Best regards.
Thanks so much, crewell. I hopeful with this website will make the seafarer's be easy to getting the job anymore. Best regards.
I'm a new member but, is looking very well organised and I suppose will be useful and hope to find plesent job.
Thank you so much CREWELL , hope will find job offer shortly . Thanks in advance.
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